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Wednesday, November 10, 2021

banking services chronicle magazine pdf in English

 banking services chronicle magazine pdf in English

banking services chronicle magazine pdf in English  4. Damaged Business: Filing of bankruptcy by a business owner can shatter all chances of a growing business. The damaged credit rating of the bankrupt does not qualify him for business loans. This can result in a massive financial loss not only to the business owner but to all other people associated with the business. 5. Serious Financial Crisis: After being declared a bankrupt you can expect all your bank accounts, credit cards etc to be closed. Bsc magazine online   Anything that you might be leasing, or buying on hire purchase, such as your car will be immediately returned to the owner. This can however give birth to tremendous financial crunch. In actual sense, you may be in a worse off position by declaring bankruptcy. 6. Hampered aspects of Life: Bankrupts may find it extremely difficult to buy or even rent a home; acquire insurance, security clearance and buying or leasing a car. This can lead to a lot of problems and put a big question mark on the chances of having a standard and secured living. It is thus advisable to avoid bankruptcy for a safer future bsc academy monthly current affairs.

 banking services chronicle magazine pdf in English

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