competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Thursday, June 24, 2021

pratiyogita kiran january 2021 pdf

 pratiyogita kiran january 2021 pdf

pratiyogita kiran january 2021 pdf  published this article Diplomacy is all about astute conduct of international relations with other countries based on certain parameters of connectedness and cooperation. It is worth noting that Indias first supply of vaccine dosage went to Bhutan and Maldives these two countries being Indias closest ally in the South Asian region. Bhutan happens to be the only nation within the SAARC to be not co-opted by the Chinese BRI tentacles. India should follow a preferential and prudential line of judgement when it comes to vaccine distribution. Being generous is a great virtue but generosity should be backed by judicious calculation. India has been subject to misfortune in the past in its own backyard during the post-Independence era. The analytical introspection reveals that most of the Indian neighbours treat India from dual perspectives of enjoying her assistance while viewing her as hegemonic. However such idea needs re-interpretation because of changing dynamics in the post-Cold War order and also in view of constant adjustments in the wake of Chinas intrusion in the South Asian region. pratiyogita kiran january 2021 pdf

pratiyogita kiran january 2021 pdf

competition success review april 2021

 competition success review april 2021 

competition success review april 2021 pdf Published this article  The migrants reaching their home States by foot by legitimate or illegal means11 has been a heartwrenching story.12 But it has also led to individuals and NGOs rising to the occasion to support these unfortunate fellow beings through supply of food packets and other materials to ease their agony. The State Union governments did arrange Shramik trains to ensure safe return but the role of individuals13 NGOs14 and religious institutions15 that extended a helping hand so spontaneously cannot be overemphasised. If the reverse migrant movement is akin to partition so is the extent of support and help from various quarters of the society. Gandhiji would have not only appreciated this spirit of empathy but would have perhaps succeeded in processing into institution building to sustain it longer. When the existing patterns of socio-economic systems are shaken they create a space for a paradigm shift. It is also an opportune time to correct the previous malfunctions of the system. For example Reducing Rural-Urban Imbalance Greater dependence of our population on agriculture indicates non availability of non-agricultural jobs. Providing more jobs in the nonagricultural sector and more so in manufacturing is a need of the hour16. Promoting agro-based and related commercial activities such as fisheries and food processing can go a long way in providing more opportunities of gainful employment in the rural sector which would be a step in Gandhian direction. competition success review april 2021 pdf

competition success review april 2021 

Thursday, June 17, 2021

shine india ca magazine

 shine india ca magazine

shine india ca magazine  Published this articles page no 174   An extended version of IMPRINT II will soon be rolled out to address special societal challenges covering issues on pollution waste management health care personal security etc. Conclusion In the present era of knowledge based society science is no longer only a curiosity driven act but is felt as an intrinsic necessity and urge to translate knowledge into societal benefit through engineering invention and technological innovation. Scientific pursuits demand continuous efforts not sequential. Outcome is mostly slow and incremental but at times disruptive leading to paradigm shift and opening new chapters and avenues. Innovation has become synonymous with evolution and progress in life. Education is the only way to effectively train the population not only to benefit from the exploits and fruits of innovation but also to actively participate and contribute to this crusade for creating a better safer and healthier planet. shine india ca magazine

shine india ca magazine

shine india magazine 6 months current affairs

 shine india magazine 6 months current affairs

 shine india magazine 6 months current affairs  Published this articles page no 175  Government agencies around the world are constantly innovating new ways of managing o p e r a t i o n s a n d rewarding people for innovative work. Put simply public sector innovation involves creating developing and implementing practical ideas that achieve a public benefit. These ideas have to be at least in part new and they have to be taken up for implementation rather than remaining simply as ideas. And most important is that they have to be useful. Innovations are both conceptual and perceptual and therefore the innovators working in various public systems should look out interact and listen to both the persons who are delivering and receiving the services. There is a need to study the expectations values and especially the needs of the people to put in practice the innovative practices which have been found useful. Definition of Innovation Public systems tends to adopt innovations which enhance service delivery increase efficiency and ensure cost reduction. An innovation in public systems can be defined as a process/policy intervention that l Improves the public service delivery l E n h a n c e s t h e e f f i c i e n c y of governance structure i.e. simplifying procedures etc. l Improves citizen satisfaction Promotes transparency and accountability l Reduces the time taken for service delivery l Reduces the cost without affecting the efficacy and efficiency l L e v e r a g e s t h e u s e o f technology Types of Innovations Innovations which exist in the public domain are often overlapping and are not restricted to a particular category. shine india magazine 6 months current affairs


shine india magazine 6 months current affairs

shine india current affairs magazine pdf

 shine india current affairs magazine pdf

 shine india current affairs magazine pdf  Published this articles page no 176  However for a better understanding innovations in public systems may be broadly categorised under the following heads Service Innovations– intend to introduce a new service product or improvement in the quality of an existing service or product. Bharat Interface for Money (BHIM) is a mobile application developed by the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) which enables epayments directly through banks. Service Delivery Innovations create a new or improved way of delivering specific public service to the citizens that aim at improving accessibility targeting user needs more accurately bringing in simplification of procedures etc. Common Service Centres (CSCs) are the access points for delivery of essential public utility services social welfare schemes healthcare financial education and agriculture services apart from a host of Business to Citizen (B2C) services to citizens in rural and remote areas of the country. It is a panIndia network catering to the regional geographic linguistic and cultural diversity of the country thus enabling the Governments mandate of a socially financially and digitally inclusive society. shine india current affairs magazine pdf


shine india current affairs magazine pdf

Friday, June 11, 2021

competition wizard magazine subscription

 competition wizard magazine subscription

 competition wizard magazine subscription Publish this articles page no  The Per Drop More Crop component of Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana promotes water· use efficiency through drip and sprinkler irrigation. To provide impetus to micro-irrigation in the country a Micro Irrigation Fund with a corpus of Rs. 5000 Crore was created with NABARD during 2018-19 for the Per Crop More Drop component.  The activities under National Water Mission aim to optimise water use efficiency by 20%. It looks· to conserve water and minimize wastage.  The National Water Mission has been able to nudge various stakeholders to see water as a limited· resource through campaigns like Catch the Rain SahiFasal etc. VAJIRAM AND RAVI Yojana Summary-April 2021 Page 7 Water Pollution  The National Project on Aquifer Management envisages the formulation of aquifer management· plans to facilitate the sustainable management of groundwater. JAL JEEVAN MISSION – HAR GHAR JAL  To improve the quality of life and enhance the ease of living of people of the country Jal Jeevan· Mission JJM was announced on 15 August 2019.  It aims to reach all rural households by 2024 which is six years well ahead of the Sustainable· Development Goal—6 target.The mission will also give a boost to the manufacturing industry creating job opportunities and helping the rural economy. Focus on Service Delivery  Under the mission the focus has shifted to the assured supply of potable water to every home· rather than merely infrastructure creation. Massive training and skilling programmes are being taken up to build the capacity. competition wizard magazine subscription


competition wizard magazine subscription

competition wizard indian history pdf

 competition wizard indian history pdf

 competition wizard indian history pdf Publish this articles page no  Water Governance Issues  Making an adequate quantity of drinking water available to the people·  Improving the low water-use efficiency in irrigation and industry·  Tackling pollution of water bodies·  Recycle and reuse· The Approach  In May 2019 a much-needed policy reform was undertaken at the highest level with the creation of· the Jal Shakti Ministry. The main aim was to bring all aspects of water under a single umbrella in line with Indias National Water Policy and shift from a compartmentalised approach to a comprehensive approach.  The Jal Shakti Abhiyan first launched in 2019 is a water conservation campaign. Community· awareness and mobilisation are at the core of the campaign. Piped Water Delivery to Households  The Jal Jeevan Mission aims to provide 55 litres of water per person per day to every rural· household in the country by 2024. The announcement of Jal Jeevan Mission Urban in the Union Budget in 2021 would provide piped water to urban households. Improving Water Use Efficiency . competition wizard indian history pdf


competition wizard indian history pdf