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Thursday, June 17, 2021

shine india magazine 6 months current affairs

 shine india magazine 6 months current affairs

 shine india magazine 6 months current affairs  Published this articles page no 175  Government agencies around the world are constantly innovating new ways of managing o p e r a t i o n s a n d rewarding people for innovative work. Put simply public sector innovation involves creating developing and implementing practical ideas that achieve a public benefit. These ideas have to be at least in part new and they have to be taken up for implementation rather than remaining simply as ideas. And most important is that they have to be useful. Innovations are both conceptual and perceptual and therefore the innovators working in various public systems should look out interact and listen to both the persons who are delivering and receiving the services. There is a need to study the expectations values and especially the needs of the people to put in practice the innovative practices which have been found useful. Definition of Innovation Public systems tends to adopt innovations which enhance service delivery increase efficiency and ensure cost reduction. An innovation in public systems can be defined as a process/policy intervention that l Improves the public service delivery l E n h a n c e s t h e e f f i c i e n c y of governance structure i.e. simplifying procedures etc. l Improves citizen satisfaction Promotes transparency and accountability l Reduces the time taken for service delivery l Reduces the cost without affecting the efficacy and efficiency l L e v e r a g e s t h e u s e o f technology Types of Innovations Innovations which exist in the public domain are often overlapping and are not restricted to a particular category. shine india magazine 6 months current affairs


shine india magazine 6 months current affairs

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