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Thursday, June 24, 2021

competition success review april 2021

 competition success review april 2021 

competition success review april 2021 pdf Published this article  The migrants reaching their home States by foot by legitimate or illegal means11 has been a heartwrenching story.12 But it has also led to individuals and NGOs rising to the occasion to support these unfortunate fellow beings through supply of food packets and other materials to ease their agony. The State Union governments did arrange Shramik trains to ensure safe return but the role of individuals13 NGOs14 and religious institutions15 that extended a helping hand so spontaneously cannot be overemphasised. If the reverse migrant movement is akin to partition so is the extent of support and help from various quarters of the society. Gandhiji would have not only appreciated this spirit of empathy but would have perhaps succeeded in processing into institution building to sustain it longer. When the existing patterns of socio-economic systems are shaken they create a space for a paradigm shift. It is also an opportune time to correct the previous malfunctions of the system. For example Reducing Rural-Urban Imbalance Greater dependence of our population on agriculture indicates non availability of non-agricultural jobs. Providing more jobs in the nonagricultural sector and more so in manufacturing is a need of the hour16. Promoting agro-based and related commercial activities such as fisheries and food processing can go a long way in providing more opportunities of gainful employment in the rural sector which would be a step in Gandhian direction. competition success review april 2021 pdf

competition success review april 2021 

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