competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Saturday, July 9, 2022

competition success review

competition success review 

competition success review  Published this article page no   145 Lack of transparency in the consultation and drafting process The process of consultation has not been transparent.Perverse revenue objective The Preamble of the policy states that Indias ambition of becoming a 5 trilliondollar digital economy depends on its ability to harness the value of data. With this it appears that revenue generation through sale of citizen data emerges is the primary objective of the Policy.Harmful effects on informational privacy of citizens In the absence of a personal data protection law the envisaged interdepartmental sharing of data across the government departments may lead to a massive violation of the privacy of citizens.Lack of clear & concise definitions for key concepts New concepts introduced by the Policy have been defined in a vague and ambiguous manner which opens them up to misinterpretation. ○ For example the Policy creates a separate category of HighValue Data Sets which it deems essential for governance and innovation access to which will be accelerated. However nowhere in the Background Note or the Policy has the category been concisely defined. Insta Curious Did you know that the genesis of this Bill lies in the report prepared by a Committee of Experts headed by Justice B.N. Srikrishna? Read this. Controversy over the series of raids and arrests of politicians their relatives and activists under Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) has made the Supreme Court to step in and check the misuse of the law. Whats the issue competition success review buy.

competition success review 

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