competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

General Knowledge Refresher

General Knowledge Refresher

General Knowledge Refresher Published this article page no  126 Highlighted the loopholes in the present act and its implementation such as: o Enforcement issues: As agriculture is a state subject, enforcement is left to States. However there exists a large variance in laws across states. Unique protections provided to farmers can act as an enforcement loophole given the grey area between farmers and aggregatorsFor instance, when any aggregator (who owns an acre of land and is also considered as a farmer) collects the seed from farmer and then sells it in a branded fashion, it may lead to pilferage of the parent seed. Rampant spread of unauthorised and genetically modified HTBt cotton seeds is an example of this. 64o Lack of IPR protection may hinder innovation: The PPVFR requires companies to submit parent seeds when applying for registration. This has already deterred many domestic and foreign players from introducing the latest varietiesCurrently, less than 3% of annual revenue of seed market is ploughed back into research, in contrast with 10- 12% which is the global standard. o Complicated and slow process for registration of new varieties. o Procedural gaps exist in the process of registration. Way ahead Widespread variance in State-level laws and regulations need to be addressed. Need to ensure that the farmer has a stake in innovation by ensuring better realisations for adopting innovative varieties. For this, there is a need for more investment in farm infrastructure, including processing and pre-processing plants, as well as identity protected supply chains General Knowledge Refresher buy. 

General Knowledge Refresher

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